Erectile dysfunction treated with intracavernous stem cells: A promising new therapy?
The main cause involved in the pathophysiology of erectile dysfunction is vascular damage related to endothelial and neuronal injury. The interest in stem cell therapy is justified by their capability to differentiate into specific damaged tissues, including endothelium and nervous tissue, and induction of the host own cell proliferation.
Stem-cell therapy for erectile dysfunction
The rapidly expanding and highly promising body of preclinical work on SC-based medicine providing a potential cure for ED, rather than merely symptom relief, is indicative of the increasing interest in regenerative options for sexual medicine over the past decade. Clinical trials are currently recruiting patients to test the preclinical results in men with ED.
Stem Cell Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction: Progress and Future Directions
The development of methods to deliver stem cells to the penis has kindled a keen interest in understanding stem cell biology as it related to restoration of normal penile vascular and neuronal homeostasis. The use of stem cells for the treatment of ED represents an exciting new field.
Erectile dysfunction (ED) following radical prostatectomy (RP) is a result of inadvertent damage to the cavernous nerves that run close to the prostate capsula. Multipotent stromal cells (MSCs) are an attractive cell source for this application based on their regenerative potential and their clinical applicability. MSCs from both bone marrow and adipose tissue have shown beneficial effects in a variety of animal models for ED. While the type of model may influence the mechanisms of action of this MSC-based therapy, MSCs generally display efficacy in various animal models for ED.
Advances in stem cell research for the treatment of male sexual dysfunctions
This review summarizes recent literature on basic stem cell research in erectile dysfunction in cavernous nerve injury, aging, diabetes, and Peyronie’s disease and to provide a perspective on clinical translation of these cellular therapies. In summary, evidence from preclinical studies has established stem cells as a potential curative treatment for erectile dysfunction and early phase clinical trials are currently performed.
Stem Cells in Male Sexual Dysfunction: Are We Getting Somewhere?New List Item
This study concludes that stem cells have an established efficacy in preclinical studies and early clinical trials. Studies are currently being published demonstrating the safety of intrapenile injection of autologous bone marrow- and adipose tissue-derived stem cells.
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